The Shadow of the Templars
From the makers of the highly acclaimed "Lure of the Temptress" and "Beneath the
Steel Sky" comes a brand new adventure of epic proportions. An innocent vacation
in Paris unwittingly whisks young American, George Stobart, away on a
Mysterious and compelling escapade which could change the fate of man.
As George, you are thrown into the arms of intrigue as you uncover a sinister
collusion which could turn the world upside down.
Who are the new breed of Savage warriors?
From where does their gothic power come?
Who are the templar Knights?
Answer the call of action! seek critical information, solve the cryptic puzzels
bound in trickery.
Embark upon a trilblazer exploration across the globe, where the people you
meet weave riddles around you. Uncover their infernal secrets, reveal their
monstrous plan. Call upon the deepest strength and staunched resolve to
challenge these black hearts to betray the unspeakable truth. This is
Clandestine. This is Arcane. This is:
"Brokensword The shadow of the Templars".
Over 60 characters to interact with, more than 50 usable items and over 70 highly detailed locations to explore.
Stunning super-VGA graphics and 18 seperate classically animated sequences.
260 sound effects and over 2 hours of original music from Britain's premier composer, Barrington Pheloung.
2 CD's and over 50 hours of challenging gameplay.
What the press have said...
"The British have spent the last few years playing a game of catch-up,
in particular attempting to emulate the careful narratives and classy
presentation value of LucasArts' efforts. With Broken Sword the tables
have at last been turned."
'best graphic adventure to date'
- Edge 9/10
"Near perfect execution of a great script. A new standard for the
point'n'click adventure has been set"
- PC Review 9/10
"Broken Sword is a point-and-click adventure that homes right in
on everything you want to find in a point-and-click adventure and
nutures it, creating a game that never feels like a slog or a chore,
a game that you will enjoy playing from beginning to end."
- PC Format 90%
Generation 4 - 5/5 & Adventure game of the Year 1996.
- Games Machine 95%
"Broken Sword is a blatant change of pace for the PlayStation, but
a refreshing one. This game sets an impressive standard for would-be
- Official PlayStation Magazine 9/10
If there was only one adventure game to recommend this season, it would
be Broken Sword. Featuring the best interface ever designed in an
adventure game, and a complex and solid intrigue, it is perfect for both
novices and confirmed players.
- Coming Soon Magazine 93%
Plenty of game play, lovely graphics, well written dialogue are all
to the plus side of this game.
- Lynn J. Alford
"Captivating story and clever design could well make this the best
adventure this year"
- PC Gamer 90%
Screen Shots
| Walkthrough
Sys. Req